Week's activity from Strava

Thursday, August 24, 2006

"One mile - One Child" Fund Raising - Progress Report.

My marathon in Lausanne will have a noble purpose, with each mile representing a Ugandan Child whose schooling I hope to be sponsoring in 2007.

The estimated cost is £50 per child and we have now been fund-raising for around 2 weeks in this way.

It looks like I already have to get to the 10 mile mark!

Mile 1 is for Charles Tezikoma. Thanks to Sue Garner.

Mile 2 is for Fred Zilonda. Thanks to Patrick Adams.

Mile 3 is for Ruth Nalumansi. Thanks to everyone at SITS 2006.

Mile 4 is for Betty Babita. Thanks to Rachel Ashby and Paul Lucas.

Mile 5 is for Ester Nabirye. Thanks to Clive and Di Ashby.

(No photo of Ester yet, sorry.)

Mile 6 is for Catherine Bajjanga. Thanks to Steve and Lisa Whitton.

Mile 7 is for Samuel Matende. Thanks to Barry and Siobhan Kirwan.

Mile 8 is for Everline Kagoya. Thanks to everyone at Brockenhurst Park Horse Trials 2006.

Mile 9 is for Edward Buyinza. Thanks to Jess Walker.

Mile 10 is for Dennis Lubogo. Thanks to everyone at Brockenhurst Park Horse Trials 2006.

If anyone wants to sponsor an orphan child at Busalamu Secondary School as I run another mile in Lausanne, please e-mail me on : charliethecoffeeman@hotmail.com

Thanks to all who have pledged so far. I am training hard, I promise!

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